
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)


Our upcoming session will be 6 weeks, on Thursday evenings, in the JCC; March 6 – April 10.

6:50 – 7:55 PM – Level 2 & Level 3 student class

8 – 9:05 PM – Level 1 New (+ almost New) student class

Days / hours for future training is subject to change. 

Registration will open for each session after dates are announced. See the Registration Forms under Register on the menu.

How much does KMSD charge? 

Our 6 week sessions are $100, for all students, all Levels; no discounts apply. Note that this class is NOT open to minors, and is probably not appropriate for most seniors. Not every session is open to new students.

All fees increase by $50 when Early Registration ends, if Late Registration opens

Our low rates are based on joining a multi-week session. That’s it. There are NO “monthly dues”, or phony “membership fee to join our organization”, and absolutely NO commitment beyond the session you join. You must read “BEFORE you register with KMSD!“. We are not a “franchise business”, so if that’s what you’re looking for, KMSD will not be for you. 

Visiting Student Drop-In Training Rate: $20 / day for visitors to San Diego who train at any other krav maga location anywhere in the world. Contact us for more information.

NOTE: there are NO REFUNDS for fees paid.

Do I have to pay in advance? Or can I first come and “try it out”?

Registration and payment online must be completed before your name is added to the Jewish Community Center front desk Security List. No visitors.

If you are thinking about observing another krav maga location, please visit them first to see for yourself why our students regularly drive past other krav maga schools in San Diego and beyond to train with KMSD.

*NOTE – Credit Card / PayPal registrants can NOT receive a refund for the multi-week sessions. It is sometimes possible depending on individual consideration to receive a credit which can be transferred to the next multi-week session, or gifted to another student for the next multi-week session.

The Lawrence Family Jewish Community Center (LFJCC) should not be asked to accept anything at all for Krav Maga San Diego. Students who attempt to register directly with the JCC, instead of Krav Maga San Diego, will not be registered for the training and their place will be given to a waiting student.

Classes fill up quickly and registration closes in advance. Priority is given to students who are referred by current students.

You must have completed Registration online before beginning your first class!

NOTE: there are NO REFUNDS for fees paid.

Can I come visit classes?

Not during our current multi-week sessions.

Special exceptions may be made. Use our Contact page a few days in advance of the day you’d like to come visit. We’ll need a separate request with first and last name and a valid email address for each visitor in advance – adults only.

NOTICE: the Lawrence Family Jewish Community Center is a secure facility with armed security. No weapons are allowed. Everyone entering the property is subject to video surveillance, and consents to search and security procedures.

Can I come train if I’m not a KMSD student?

Krav Maga students from out of town, who are visiting San Diego: you are welcome to join KMSD classes as a Guest Student regardless of which Krav Maga organization you train with. Just use our Contact page with a few days advance notice to let us know where you train; how long you’ve been training in Krav Maga; your current “rank”; and who your instructor is. Then, in advance, request a KMSD Guest Student Registration. Day fee $20.

NOTICE: the Lawrence Family Jewish Community Center is a secure facility with armed security. No weapons are allowed. Everyone entering the property is subject to video surveillance, and consents to search and security procedures.

What are KMSD classes like? 

Students participate in a multi-week training package. Although the training pipeline is progressive, each student works at their own pace. There is no need to notify us in advance as to which day(s) you are coming to class. Just sign in upon arrival for every class which you’ll be training in. Every class is different. Some students train every week. Some others train in every class they can reasonably attend, as there is usually brief review of what was covered the previous week.

    • Students arrive early enough to class to take into account parking time, and should have their hands wrapped up before class lineup.
    • Upon arrival at every single class, students initial next to their name on the Sign-in List under the column for the class that day, at the entrance to the training area where class is held that day, and then replace the clipboard where they found it. 
    • There will always be a short warmup at the start of class, which is designed to prevent injury, increase flexibility, and build endurance and strength.
    • The theme in all of our KMSD training is “help each other out”.

Please be aware that KMSD classes are designed for serious training, not “recreational krav maga”, and are not like “typical” strip mall, storefront, industrial park, health club, or barefoot dojo programs.

I’m the type of person who seems to get bored easily in my workouts (and almost anything I do). How will this be different?

One thing that KMSD students can all say is that the Instructors never present a boring class. Every single KMSD class since inception in 1992 has been different. Students will always be challenged physically, mentally, and tactically. The Instructors never lose focus of their mission: to train students for real encounters in the street. Every drill, lesson, and exercise is designed towards this goal.

I’m very concerned about Safety in Training.

So are we, as it’s our Number One Priority. KMSD is probably the safest Krav Maga training program. Anywhere.

  • New students must get a pair of handwraps. It’s basic safety gear to protect your hands and wrists during repeated punches during training. NOTE: if you visit a school which allows students to punch anything hard without wearing handwraps, they are not serious about looking out for your personal safety.
  • All protective gear MUST be inspected by an Instructor prior to use during any class.
  • KMSD’s Lead Instructor is an Official with USA Boxing, and KMSD operates under similar safety guidelines.
  • All Instructors and Assistant Instructors are required to maintain current CPR Certification, as well undergo further emergency medical training.
  • KMSD always has Military / Law Enforcement personnel in class.
  • “Losing your temper” is not allowed. Students unable to control themselves will be removed from the program. There are no refunds.
  • Students may not carry a live weapon (e.g. edged weapon, or concealed handgun) while training.
  • Our Headquarters is the JCC, a secure facility: multiple full-time armed security personnel, video surveillance, and other measures related to your safety are always present.

What if I’m not currently in my best physical condition?

That’s OK. Krav Maga is designed to teach everybody how to defend themselves. Students work at their own pace, although we always encourage a strong workout, and everybody is challenged physically. Nobody should avoid learning how to defend themselves because they’re not an athlete. All students will get in better shape during the course; you will increase your environmental awareness, flexibility, endurance, speed, strength, and self-confidence. Many students lose weight. You must ask your doctor if it’s OK to participate in this type of training if you have any physical limitation / injury.

Note that some measure of physical fitness is required to participate in our classes.

Who are these classes for?

Krav Maga San Diego typically attracts a wide variety of students who share some things in common

  • a desire to increase their self-confidence and ability to realistically defend themselves and their loved ones
  • an interest in maintaining physical fitness in a non-threatening environment
  • having some fun while training with like-minded people (but note that our classes are not designed as “fun Krav Maga”)

Participants typically include

  • Military personnel 
  • Law Enforcement personnel
  • College students
  • Athletes
  • Busy professionals
  • Regular people

KMSD classes have everyone from *teens through middle-aged (*see below). This training is NOT appropriate for most seniors. We will have students with no experience at all, as well as accomplished martial artists from other systems, and Military / Law Enforcement Defensive Tactics Instructors. Currently, 6-week sessions are for adults only (18 years old or older); no exceptions.

*Teens: Our current minimum age for classes in the multi-week sessions is 18 years old.

Should I join with a partner?

You can, and many do, but you don’t need to, as you’ll meet many people in class sharing your interest in learning Krav Maga San Diego techniques, tactics, and strategy in an intense multi-week session of serious training, and partners will be provided for you. Students are asked to please introduce themselves and talk to each other while waiting for class to start. Often, couples, parents/teenagers, teammates, coworkers, and friends join together to train with each other, but at different times during the class students will change partners. Our Krav Maga San Diego, Inc. Facebook Private Group page is open to all KMSD students, where they can arrange to meet outside of class for extra training, or other events.

Are there colored belts like in martial arts? How does the rank system work?

Krav Maga San Diego uses a ranking system signified by a patch on the pants. The ranks are Practitioner 1 – 5, Graduate 1 – 5, and Expert. The ranks (Practitioner / Graduate / Expert) are somewhat aligned with traditional martial arts belt progression, but the KMSD rank system generally allows for students to learn “higher” techniques sooner.

KMSD is especially recognized around the world and locally as having a higher standard of training / ranking.

Can I join a session already in progress?

Generally not during a multi-week session, but sometimes experienced Krav Maga students will be allowed into an ongoing session, pending Instructor approval (after Early Registration closes, all students pay Late Registration rates). New Students generally will not be admitted after Late Registration closes, but will be placed on the Contact list for the next session. You must have completed your Registration online and finished the payment process before beginning any training session; no exceptions.

What do I need to wear to class? 

Students are asked to wear a KMSD shirt to all classes; Level 1 students wear white (cotton or drifit; short or long sleeve); Practitioner 1 and above may wear colored KMSD shirts. They can be purchased online and then picked up at class prior to lineup.  If you don’t have or can’t get a KMSD shirt before you start, please wear a white-based shirt at first.

In addition, we don’t advertise our political / religious beliefs to our students, so please respect your Instructors and fellow students the same way, and do not wear clothing with “messages”. This is a place where everyone can be free from politics and get away from societal conflicts for the duration of class. Do not test us on this issue.

There are NO uniforms at Krav Maga San Diego! It’s not a karate dojo. Just wear athletic shoes with non-marking soles (cross training or running shoes, etc.); long pants (i.e. BDUs, sweats, karate pants, etc.), and a short or long sleeved t-shirt (no tank tops please, unless it’s a Street Clothes class). A long sleeved shirt is recommended for Outdoor Classes, as you’ll likely be on the grass. Our “uniform” is a KMSD t shirt, and pants which are the 5.11 Stryke pant, available to KMSD students at a 25% Discount through a local supplier; use the Contact page to send us a request for purchasing information. If you are a Level 2 student, please attach your KMSD rank patch to your left front leg. New students are asked to buy a white Krav Maga San Diego t shirt as soon as possible (Level 1 students wear white KMSD shirts, cotton or drifit, in class), using the Shop page on our website. Colored shirts can be worn outside of class until you are a Level 2 student. A long sleeved shirt is recommended for Outdoor Classes, as you’ll likely hit the grass, and some students wear gloves.

Boxing handwraps should be worn to all classes unless otherwise indicated. You can purchase them through the Shop page of our website.  Most students purchase an extra set, so you have a pair to use while another pair is drying, or in need of a wash (please be considerate of your fellow students).

Male students may wear hard plastic, or metal (e.g. Muay Thai) groin protection

Leave your watch, jewelry, etc. at home or in a gym bag at the side of the room. It’s a good idea to bring some of your own medical supplies for minor scratches, etc., e.g. band aids, ace bandage, etc. These incidents are rare.

Krav Maga San Diego, Inc., and the Lawrence Family JCC are not responsible for lost or stolen property.

Beach Classes – almost anything goes. Barefoot, aquasocks, sneakers, sandals, etc. T shirt or no top (males); shorts / swim trunks. No hats, sunglasses, watches / jewelry. You can bring a towel and change of clothes (and drinking water). There are outdoor showers, changing areas / restrooms, and a water fountain nearby.

How should I prepare for each class? 

Firefighters call it Pre-Hydration: which involves drinking water / electrolyte solution during the heat of the day before responding to a wildfire. KMSD students need to drink water before each class, but not right before class. Pre-hydration also helps prevent soft tissue injuries, e.g. Achilles tendon strains / sprains. Wrap your hands before lineup and bring all your gear to every class unless otherwise directed.

For Outdoor Training, always use the restroom before arriving to class, and bring water

For Safety in Training, and consideration / respect toward your Instructors and fellow KMSD students, please adhere to the following before arriving for classes:

  • Shower, and wash your hair.
  • Use deodorant or antiperspirant.
  • Clean under and trim/file your fingernails.
  • Bring a clean shirt for each class you are attending.
  • Keep two (2) paper and two (2) plastic grocery bags in your gym bag / kit. These may be used for vision-obstructed training.
  • Use clean wraps; just wash them in a sink after class and hang them up, they will be dry overnight (if you’re in a multi-week session, purchase a spare pair to keep in your gym bag, they are not expensive).
  • You don’t need to wear cologne/perfume, as we are in close proximity with others who may have allergies, but try not to smell bad. Although an attacker may very well be dirty and smelly, make this aspect of “realistic training” something left outside of class.
  • Please don’t chew gum in class, ever, at any KMSD training location.

Always check your email and the KMSD Facebook page right before class for any late changes.  

What about Street Clothes Training?

  • Street Clothes Training for Krav Maga was pioneered in San Diego for krav maga over 3 decades ago by KMSD to offer students a more realistic Krav Maga training environment. Now imitated by lesser schools, it remains a regularly scheduled part of KMSD training.
  • Plan to wear clothes similar to what you wear on the job (e.g. uniform, business attire); when you are out at night; at school; etc.
  • For safety, wear closed toed shoes for warmup (i.e. regular athletic shoes). After warmup, you may change your shoes.
  • Keys, watches, jewelry, etc. should still be kept in your gym bag on the side of the room.
  • Ladies may wear dresses / skirts with shorts underneath, and can change into shoes with heels after warmup ends (check to ensure they are non-marking).
  • Remember that you may hit the ground, and could be training under harder conditions than some clothes are designed for, so don’t wear anything too nice. This is especially true when Street Clothes Training is combined with Outdoor Training.
  • Absolutely no functional weapons (e.g. pocket knives) are allowed to be carried by students during training.
  • See Photos of past Street Clothes Training on our Facebook page.
  • All other items listed in “How should I prepare for each class?” (above) remain in effect.

What about Outdoor Training?

  • Outdoor Training was pioneered in San Diego for krav maga over 3 decades ago by KMSD to offer students a more realistic Krav Maga training environment. Now imitated by lesser schools, it remains a regularly scheduled part of KMSD training.
  • Always use the restroom before arriving to class, and bring water!
  • Plan to wear clothes which will get dirty / muddy when you hit the ground – you can reserve at least one of your white KMSD shirts for this training. This is especially true when Street Clothes Training is combined with Outdoor Training.
  • A long sleeved shirt is recommended for Outdoor Training, as you’ll likely hit the grass; some students wear gloves as well.
  • You’ll be training under harder conditions than some clothes are designed for, so don’t wear anything too nice. This is especially true when Street Clothes Training is combined with Outdoor Training.
  • Keys, watches, jewelry, etc. should still be kept in your gym bag. When training at Eastgate Park adjacent to the JCC, place your possessions on the picnic table(s) NOT being used for KMSD materials, e.g. the Sign In clipboard.
  • See Photos of past Outdoor Training on our Facebook page.
  • All other items listed in “How should I prepare for each class?” (above) remain in effect.

Does KMSD offer private training?

Yes. Please contact our KMSD Office through the contact page of the website, or by email through “” to request KMSD Rate Guides.

Some students will learn self-defense skills at a faster, individual pace with KMSD Private Training and would not progress as efficiently in a group / class setting. And some KMSD students in the regular sessions combine their class training with KMSD Private Training (Discounts apply for these students). Many KMSD students participate in an hour or two of Private Training leading up to an Exam. In any of these cases, one-on-one training with an experienced KMSD Instructor may be for you. Small Private Group Training is also available. Travelers who are journeying to a potentially dangerous area; college students preparing to leave home for school; and executive businesspeople concerned about personal safety and potential kidnapping are all examples of those who have benefited greatly from KMSD Private Training, which can be held in the La Jolla area; Balboa Park; or at your location of choice, if suitable.

Krav Maga San Diego, Inc. reserves final decision regarding any Private Training agreements. 

Please note that all fees for KMSD Private Training are non-refundable and private training hours must be used within a set period of time. 

Does KMSD offer Gift Certificates? 

Yes, but only after the specific training event is announced. See our Shop page to to purchase a KMSD Gift Certificate, for yourself to use at a later date, or for a friend, loved one, or fellow student.

  • Regular multi-week sessions
  • Drop-In Training, good for all classes (which the student is eligible for); for those with experience in Krav Maga
  • Seminars held periodically on various topics

We will email the KMSD Gift Certificate (as a .pdf file attachment) to the recipient, or to you, so you can:

  1. print it on paper of your choice and give to someone as a gift, or
  2. email the Certificate to your recipient (as a .pdf file attachment)

Recipients of any KMSD Gift Certificate must:

  1. complete Early Registration before attending their first class in the session in which it’s to be redeemed, or well before the Workshop / Seminar
  2. mail the Certificate to our P.O. Box, or scan it and email it as an attachment, before the session begins or before the Workshop / Seminar

You may even buy one for a Continuing Student. We will forward the Certificate to them (anonymously, if requested); if they don’t want to accept it, we’ll ask them to pass it forward to another student.

Please note that all fees for KMSD Gift Certificates are non-refundable.

Do you negotiate trades for the registration fee?

Yes. Please contact KMSD with details of what you are interested in proposing for trade. Krav Maga San Diego Inc. reserves final decision regarding any trade agreements. If in doubt, just let us know what you do.
Currently open trade categories: WordPress Website Design / Update; Social Media; Military Liaison

Does KMSD ever do “fitness challenges”, or “groupon”, or “living social”, or a “free introductory class”, or “free trial class”, or “complimentary 1st class”, or “free 10 day trials”, or “12 month contracts”, or “VIP packages”, or “summertime specials”, or “family packages”, or “punch-cards”?


Does KMSD appear on local morning TV, or podcasts, or online interviews?

No. We don’t need to resort to that. Word of mouth.

Does KMSD post videos online, like on a YouTube channel, or Facebook demos?

No. The bad guys have smartphones too. Responsible Krav Maga Instructors select whom they teach.

Does KMSD advertise anywhere on the internet?

No. We don’t need to resort to that. Word of mouth. NOTE: Beware of unscrupulous “krav maga” instructors who advertise on the internet with the title, “Krav Maga San Diego” or something very similar, clicking on which takes the user to their website. WE are Krav Maga San Diego, Inc. Nobody else.