
Shop Instructions

Note that you DO NOT need a PayPal account to process your orders for ANYTHING through our PayPal payment links.
At the end of PayPal payment pages, there is always a button to “Check out as a guest”. 

Only students who have trained with Krav Maga San Diego may purchase / wear KMSD shirts.
Do not test us on this. If you are not eligible to buy a shirt, and you purchase one online, you will NOT receive it, nor will you receive a refund. Email us for special consideration if you are a krav maga student elsewhere.

KMSD does not ship anything, anywhere, to anybody. KMSD students pick up their gear / shirts in class.
Do not test us on this; we will NOT ship your shirt to you, and you will NOT receive a refund. Email us for special consideration if you are a krav maga student elsewhere.

Level 1 students (both New and Continuing) may purchase any color shirt, but may only wear white KMSD shirts in class (cotton; drifit; short or long sleeved) until they have passed their Practitioner 1 Exam.

To purchase items, click this Shop link or the one above, on the main menu.

If you request a shirt, or other piece of merchandise, you must purchase it. KMSD pays in advance (including shipping) for your shirts / merchandise to be shipped to our shirt builder, printed, and delivered to us. Be specific in what you are requesting. Students may send us a link from the Shop page for the exact item(s) that they want. If you make a mistake in your request, you still must purchase the item. If you purchase the “wrong size”, you own it.

Level 1 students: wear white shirts in class (cotton or drifit); Colored shirts are worn at Street Clothes Training, Beach Training, Seminars, and outside of class. 

Level 2 and Level 3 students: wear any colored (or white) shirts in class.

SpecOpsDiv students may wear SpecOpsDiv shirts in any class; an Order Form is available by request. These shirts are not available online.

White KMSD shirts are worn while participating in Exams. Any KMSD shirt may be worn during Workshops (prior to the Exam).

To make a purchase see the Shop page.

To then receive your shirt(s) or other gear, students should either use the Contact page, or email us ( ), to let us know when you’ll definitely next be in class. If you used an Order Form, ask for your Order Form back when you arrive in class, to complete the “date received”, and then return the form to the Instructor when they hand you your shirt(s) / merchandise.

Most gear / shirts are waiting at the front of the room tagged with your name for you to pick up before class.

NOTE: There is a $50 KMSD fee if you simply stop payment on a check, or if your check is returned by the bank for Non-Sufficient Funds.