

NOTE: the photos above are ALL from Krav Maga San Diego, Inc. training events, not stock photos taken from other’s websites.

Register here (restricted)

KMSD is not subordinate to, or controlled / directed by any foreign-owned organization(s) and does NOT provide Krav Maga training to Military, Law Enforcement, or Security Personnel of foreign governments or NGOs who are deemed to be in conflict with the core values of the United States of America. Krav Maga San Diego, Inc. is a registered (California) Corporation.

“We train hard, but we train safely.” “Training is never over.” “I do not advertise the nature of my work, nor seek recognition for my actions.”

KMSD is San Diego’s exclusive Krav Maga Subject Matter Expert (SME), with both the certified training and continuing experience, to provide Military Krav Maga and Krav Maga Law Enforcement training, using tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP’s) to train armed Military / Law Enforcement personnel. We have been discreetly providing this training for many years here in San Diego and across the US. If you received an email notification about an upcoming SpecOpsDiv training event, you may Register for that event HERE.

KMSD’s Special Operations Division

  • Ongoing training – regularly scheduled for KMSD students who are US Military service members (armed in their duties); Active Duty / Training Reservist; and full-time armed Law Enforcement Officers. Eligible KMSD students receive email notification in advance of these training sessions.

  • Specific dates for these regular training classes are not posted on this website, or anywhere else

  • Qualified personnel – use the subject drop-down menu on the Contact page to request that your name / email address be added to our SpecOpsDiv contact list; please complete the form entirely.

  • There is no charge for these regularly-offered SpecOpsDiv training sessions.

  • Eyes-On verification of official ID is required before participation in, or viewing of, SpecOpsDiv training; non-qualified visitors are NOT allowed.

  • SpecOpsDiv training; non-qualified visitors are NOT allowed.

  • Krav Maga San Diego has a high percentage of Military / Law Enforcement personnel in our regular 8 week sessions; these students will discretely be introduced to each other during regular classes (unless otherwise requested).

  • If you are already a student in regular classes with KMSD, ensure that we are aware of your status as a qualified member of one of the above groups.

  • KMSD policy is to NOT advertise LE / Military personnel’s status among the civilian class population; we will NOT post identifiable photos of you, ever, anywhere


Dana Ben Kaplan, Lead Instructor, SpecOpsDiv

  • Military Krav Maga Instructor, certified

  • Krav Maga Law Enforcement Instructor, certified

  • Terrorism and Homeland Security Specialist (Cal EMA certified)

Government Contracting

Krav Maga San Diego is an experienced, certified, American-owned, US Department of Defense-registered Contracting Agency, currently and previously contracted with CNRSW, CNRNW, and CNRMA, and with other Federal Law Enforcement and Government Security Agencies.

We do not publicly identify specific units whom we train.

Military and Law Enforcement references are available upon Official Request.

KMSD routinely processes Government Credit Cards.

  • DUNS #: 11-572-9647

  • NAICS Code: 611699



It is our honor and duty to help American uniformed personnel make themselves safer, better protect their fellow warfighters/ LEOs, and successfully complete their mission or perform their duties and return home safely to their loved ones.

Some of the agencies whose personnel we have trained and continue to train: